Red Series Ink

The stance is ready,
This is what we learn,
It's not that bad.
Someone will find it ticklish- the cow's tail morphing into a cone, then a flower, and after that a missile.
The missiles are implied.
Sometimes we can't see the nightmare coming or becoming the real thing.
We roll up the windows, switch on the smartphones and record,
The slowly forming landscape of violence.
----Jyotsna Dwivedi.

The drawings in the Red Series were done in an attempt to voice the despair I felt during the incidents of cow vigilante violence that happened in our country between 2010 to 2017.
The Cow-Man makes an appearance in these works frequently. Cow-Man , who is the perpetrator of violence upon others on behalf of the mute animal is neither a human nor an animal. Reason, which is a special quality of humans and gentleness which is a special quality of the bovine are both lost on him.
Red Series Ink
Work On Paper With Ink & Pencil